The 1 signal integrity (Signal Integrity): refers to the signal circuit system of quality, if at the time of request, can signal without distortion from the source to the receiver, we say that the signal is complete.
The 2 transmission line (Transmission Line): line are connected by two of a certain length conductor loop, which we call the transmission line, sometimes called the delay line.
3 lumped circuit (Lumped circuit): in the circuit analysis in general, all parameters of the circuit, such as each point impedance, capacitance, inductance are concentrated in the space, each element, the signal between each point is the instantaneous transmission, circuit model of this ideal is called the lumped circuit.
4 distributed system (Distributed System): the actual circuit is distributed in the circuit. Various parameters everywhere, when the change time signal of the dispersion caused by the delay time and the signal itself can not be neglected when compared, the signal channel is a complex network with resistance, capacitance, inductance, which is a typical the distributed parameter system.
5 rise / fall time (Rise/Fall Time): a signal from a low level to the high level jump needs time, usually is a measure of increase / decrease along the duration between the 10%-90% voltage, denoted as Tr.
The 6 cut-off frequency (Knee Frequency): This is the characterization of digital circuit in the frequency range of the most concentrated energy (0.5/Tr), denoted as Fknee, is generally believed that the transmission over the frequency energy of digital signal has no effect.
7 characteristic impedance (Characteristic Impedance): AC signal in the transmission line in each step have instant constant impedance is called the characteristic impedance, also known as the surge impedance, denoted as Z0. Through the transmission line input voltage ratio of the value of input current (V/I) to represent.
The 8 transmission delay (Propagation delay): refers to the propagation delay of signals on transmission lines, with line length and signal propagation velocity, denoted as tPD.
9 microstrip line (Micro-Strip): refers to one side only existing reference transmission line plane.
The 10 strip line (Strip-Line): refers to a transmission line reference plane.